Wednesday, June 1, 2022

|| C words_A001 ||

C words_A001
001.  culprit
002.  culpable
003.  cure
004.  cost
005.  cast
006.  costing

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

CLEFT Sentences | It-cleft clauses

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sunday, January 10, 2021

1command and controlC2
3Civil Aviation AuthorityCAA
4cockpit area microphoneCAM
5Continuing Airworthiness Management ExpositionCAME
6Continuing Airworthiness Management OrganisationCAMO
7Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (FAA)CAMP
8Civil Air Navigation Services OrganisationCANSO
9cabin attendant panelCAP
10civil aviation regulationCAR
11civil aviation regulations[7][8]CARs
12Canadian Aviation RegulationsCARS
13calibrated airspeedCAS
14Commercial Air Service StandardsCASS
15continuing analysis and surveillance systemCASS
16clear air turbulence[1]CAT
17Commercial Air TransportCAT
18continuing airworthiness (EASA)CAW
19computer based trainingCBT
20closed circuit mixed gas rebreathersCCRs
21constant current regulatorsCCRs
22critical design configuration control limitationCDCCL
23course deviation indicatorCDI
24configuration deviation listCDL
25control/display unitCDU
26controlled flight into terrainCFIT
27constant frequency generatorCFG
28Code of Federal RegulationsCFR
29center of gravityCG
30Course HeadingCH
31certificate-holding district office (FAA)CHDO
32Cylinder Head Temperature (Piston engine aviation)CHT
33cost indexCI
34check listCL
35central maintenance computerCMC
36component maintenance manualCMM
37Certificate Management OfficeCMO
38converted meteorological visibilityCMV
39complex motor-powered aircraftCMPA
40Certificate of airworthinessCofA
41Commercial off-the-shelfCOTS
42controller–pilot data link communicationsCPDLC
43Changed product ruleCPR
44Comment-response document (EASA)CRD
45Corrosion resistant steelCRES
46certification specification (EASA)CS
47constant speed driveCSD
48cycles since overhaulCSO
49cabin services systemCSS
50constant speed unitCSU
51Configuration Item Signer Crater ToolCSCT
52common traffic advisory frequencyCTAF
53controlled traffic region/control zoneCTR
54cockpit voice recorderCVR
55control wheel steeringCWS